Parents for Safe Routes is tracking many transportation-related projects in and around Menlo Park. We believe that community members should have a voice throughout all stages of Safe Routes-related projects.
Belle Haven Traffic Calming Study
The City is conducting a traffic calming study to address cut-through traffic concerns in the Belle Haven neighborhood through the use of traffic calming measures.
Santa Cruz Avenue Corridor Study (Unincorporated San Mateo County)
The Santa Cruz Ave/Alameda de las Pulgas Corridor Improvement Study project will evaluate possible roadway configuration alternatives along Santa Cruz Avenue from Sand Hill Road to Alameda de las Pulgas and along Alameda de las Pulgas between Santa Cruz Avenue and Sharon Road, to determine what safety and connectivity improvements can be achieved for bicycles, pedestrians, and vehicles.
Menlo Park Citywide Safe Routes to School Program
The City will develop a comprehensive Safe Routes to School Program to address Safe Routes needs from a strategic perspective.
Willows Neighborhood Complete Streets
The City is preparing the Willows Neighborhood Complete Streets to identify Safe Routes to Schools improvements in the Laurel Upper School enrollment area to facilitate travel by students to the school site, as well as reduce cut-through traffic in the Willows neighborhood.
Middle Avenue Pedestrian & Bicycle Rail Crossing
This project will provide a grade separated pedestrian and bicycle rail crossing through the Caltrain railway to create a pedestrian and bicycle connection and create a new crossing opportunity across the tracks.
Oak Grove University Crane Bike Pilot
The Oak Grove University Crane Bicycle Improvement Project is a one-year trial installation of a bicycle facility on the proposed streets. The route connects key destinations in the City including schools, the downtown and connecting residential neighborhoods.
Ravenswood Avenue Rail Undercrossing
This project evaluates the engineering feasibility of replacing the existing at-grade crossings of the Caltrain tracks by building grade separations of the roadways from the tracks at Ravenswood Avenue, Oak Grove Avenue, Glenwood Avenue and Encinal Avenue, with priority on Ravenswood Avenue.
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If you are interested in becoming a Project Champion or joining a working group on any of the above projects, or if you'd like to let us know about a street or intersection that you believe needs our attention, please join our mailing list and indicate in the box for "additional information" that you are interested/concerned about a particular issue.