Call to Action! City Council Meeting This Week - Request to Prioritize Safe Routes to Schools

There's an important meeting coming up this Friday: Our City Council will be working on its list of 2017 City Goals. If you would like to see Safe Routes for School (safe bike/pedestrian routes for kids, and for the whole community) on that list of priorities, please consider:

1. Signing an online letter that states, "I respectfully request that the Menlo Park City Council prioritize Safe Routes to Schools and allocate resources and funding toward this goal as appropriate." This list of names will be presented at the upcoming City Council meeting on Tuesday, January 24th. Add your name here

2. Sending an email to City Council at Sample text: Dear Menlo Park City Council Members, It is my understanding that this week you will be setting the City goals for 2017. I respectfully request that the Menlo Park City Council prioritize Safe Routes to Schools and allocate resources and funding toward this goal as appropriate. Sincerely, YOUR NAME AND CITY.

3. Attend the City Council meeting in person on this Tuesday, January 24th at 7pm and speak up during the public comment period.

No matter which way you choose to act, the critical thing is to let City Council know this is important to you. Your opinion matters: City Council pays close attention to public comments. Having a group of us speak up together gives them a mandate to act.

Jen Wolosin